Monday, March 24, 2014

After the Husbands Left the Table

Excuse me, but
for just one brief moment I
saw behind that bright lipstick smile,
fangs, bred for biting
jaws lowered, like a wolf,
hungry to be baptized
in hot, sticky blood.
I thought for just a second there
I saw curved talons
neatly curled under 
your filed nails, so 
elegantly painted.
So much paint we wear, don't we?
Ruby lips and shadowed eyes,
beige liquid to conceal every blemish.
We can't be seen, we must
"put on our face."
Oh, all that war paint
to get it just right.
And on your finger, too, a diamond.
How lovely.
Diamonds are hard, you know.
They use them to cut steel.
Oh, now they've come back.
What is that, honey?
No, I'm fine.
Excuse me.
Just had a little
too much wine.

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